Thursday, November 27, 2008

Contender Profiles

Here's a quick guide to the Profiles I'll be doing for all the major awards contenders after they are released.

I begin with the movie's score on Rottentomatoes. For those not familiar, Rottentomatoes is a site that takes a wide range of reviews, cuts them up into favorable (fresh) and unfavorable (rotten) and then tells you the percentage of folks that liked the film. I'll call this metric "Broad Appeal" since it doesn't differentiate between a lukewarm endorsement and a rave and because it's sampling size is enormous.

I'll also include the Metacritic score, which is a sampling of 30-40 prestigious critics and assigning a qualitative score out of 100. The sampling pool is small, but the reviewers have clout and the scores are more exact. I'll call this metric "Perceived Quality"

Then I'll include a short review of the film, if I have seen it (I will try to see them all) and then an assesment of their awards potential.

I will also be developing different metrics and I will update the profiles as I go along. If you ever want to see all of the contender profiles, just to get a sense of the race, click on the Contender Profile link below to get a list of them.

Wall-E will be the first film I profile.... tomorrow. Now it's time to sleep off the tryptophan.


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