Monday, March 2, 2009

Apocalypse sign #346

It looks like Madea Goes to Jail just topped the Jonas Brothers 3D Experience for the Box Office's top spot...

I'm speechless. Am I really just a grumpy old intolerant person for thinking Tyler Perry and the Jonas Brothers are all talentless hacks that don't deserve to be in a film, let alone kings of the B.O.?

Mr. Hornby would, I assume, call me out for being a snob and a member of the "liberal intelligentsia" because I am truly baffled. Summer can't come quickly enough.


Jim Eustice said...

I wouldn't call you a snob, but I would call you unobservant.

Madea appeals to one group of moviegoers.

The Jonas Brothers appeal to another.

All the adults have seen the oscar movies they're going to see, so...why wouldn't these two movies be #1?

Whether you or I think they are worthy of the #1 spots doesn't really matter. We can say whatever we want about their quality, but it will not change the fact that the two films are relevant to a large group of people.

The same argument can be applied as a rebuttal to Nick Hornby's article. Also...I wrote a very lengthy response to that post...and I'll rewrite it when I can.

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